Thursday, January 1, 2009

January 1, 2009

It seems that just about everyone Terra and I know have started a blog in some fashion, whether it be in MySpace, Facebook, Blogger, or some other website; so why not us too. Since it's the first of the new year and everyone has some sort of resolution...I've decide to start something new instead of resolve a problem. The Lord knows I have enough of those to solve but I don't think that I'll be addressing them today.

The simplest way to start this public journal of sorts is to simple state, Terra and I have a wonderful life. We have two great boys, Tyler (4) and Grant (2) and we live in a modest home that we are constantly updating when time and money allow. The greatest thing about being part of our family is that we live for our successes and overcome our challenges. Those successes have come in many forms and the challenges too. When Terra and I married, one of our first discussions was about the ups and downs that we knew we were going to encounter. We know we can handle anything that comes our way with the guidance of God, the support of our family, the love we have for each other, and the light in our children's eyes. I don't know what or when will be the final days in our lives, but I know that the journey we will take will be the best set of experiences we could have ever hoped for because of the highs and the hurdles.


  1. Hi there...Sharah sent out an e-mail about her blog and while I was visiting I recognized some familiar names. I like the blogs better than myspace. My computer is a little slow to see all the information most people have on myspace, so this is much better for me. I will be reading about you...Happy New Year you guys :)

  2. Hey there!
    Glad to see you signed on! Now you have to post!!! :)
